
Unlimited order types

Pick from predefined templates or build from scratch entirely novel order types and strategies, all on one platform.

Speed of execution (3)
Trade without Trade-offs Beyond the Templates

Can’t find what you’re looking for?
Build your own!

Trading is demanding and highly customized. We understand this, that’s why we create a flexible environment.

Tools of the tradeDefine the limits of what’s possibleFor the first time, deploy your ideas as on-chain trading strategies. Take advantage of intuitive tools that go beyond those of a professional trader - accessible to anyone on Axo.
  • Drag-and-drop UI
  • Purpose-built scripting language
  • Autonomous on-chain code
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Unbound creativity

Be empowered by Axo tooling

Effortlessly trade the way you always wanted - deploy your strategies within seconds as autonomous on-chain code.